





Silent Retreat: The Way Out is In

From September 3 to 8 at Simply Canvas Farm (near the Lower Hamlet of Plum Village): Resource yourself in the midst of nature in Lot-et-Garonne.

We are delighted to invite you to our silent retreat with the theme "How are we the continuation of Thây?". This retreat is especially for practitioners who are already familiar with the practice of Mindfulness from Plum Village.

This silent retreat offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in silence in the midst of nature, reconnect with your body and the earth, and deeply reflect: The Way Out is In.














In which way are we the continuation ofThây ?

In January 2024, Thay entered the lineage of our ancestors. He often explained that his life was his message. And since his departure, more than ever, a very important question arises: How are we the continuation of Thây?  

Each day, we will deepen our reflection in silence

During this silent retreat, we will follow the practices of Plum Village, such as sitting meditation, walking meditation, and Dharma sharing. Each day, we will deepen our reflection and inner silence through practice exercises and testimonials.

Reserve your place

How do I incarnate "My Life is My Message?"

What progress or transformations have I noticed in myself thanks to the practice?

Who am I as an authentic practitioner?

What is my aspiration and/or motivation regarding my practice?

L' organisatrice: Joelle Grosjean

This retreat is organized by Dharma teacher Joelle Grosjean, with the support of Sandra and Santi.

Joelle first met Thay in June 1995 at the Lower Hamlet and immediately recognized him as her Master, the one who would show her the path in this life. Since that meeting, she has regularly visited Plum Village each year, staying twice for a year. During the winter 2001-2002 three-month retreat at New Hamlet, she received the Transmission of the 14 Mindfulness Trainings from Thay and was given the Dharma name "True Path of Loving Kindness." On May 26, 2014, she received the Lamp Transmission from Thay. She founded the Geneva Sangha in 1998 and the Sunflower Sangha in Loubès-Bernac in September 2019. Currently, she supports lay friends in a 14 Mindfulness Trainings workshop in Bordeaux. Joelle has been residing in Loubès-Bernac for five and a half years, where she is very happy. The practice Thay taught her is her path, which has no end.

Joelle has participated in several silent retreats, including those with Brother Doji, a former monk of Plum Village, Sister Jina, Sister at Lower Hamlet, a 10-day Vipassana retreat following Goenka's method, as part of her training as an MBSR and MBCT instructor (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy), with Martine Bachelor. In August 2022, she led a one-week silent retreat in Biran (Thénac) with an EDD friend and an MIE friend. She is committed to guiding this silent retreat in a place surrounded by nature with her friends.

Sandra et Santi

Sandra and Santi support Joelle during the retreat. Santi is also a Dharma teacher. You may know Sandra and Santi as Sister Cúc Nghiem and Thay Ananda. You will have the chance to hear them share their own journeys in finding their path of continuation. Their experiences and teachings will be a source of inspiration for all participants.

Sandra and Santi are also your hosts; they are the owners of Simply Canvas Farm. They have lived for many years at Plum Village and have over 30 years of meditation and mindfulness practice. Drawing from their life experiences, they created Simply Canvas Farm in 2008 as an oasis of peace in the midst of nature. By applying the principles and techniques of permaculture, they strive to bring life and strength back to this place in Lot-et-Garonne and to promote the return of local wildlife and flora in a spirit of respect and collaboration, healing, and connection.

Let's be friends!











The Setting: Simply Canvas Farm & The Accommodations

The Setting of the Silent Retreat

In a beautiful hilly corner of Southwestern France lies a very special place in Lot-et-Garonne, Simply Canvas Farm:

A 5-hectare permaculture farm with unique accommodations. The meals provided are organic and local. You are free to wander among the wild orchids, take a nap in a hammock, swim in the pool, or sit around the campfire to admire the stars.

In short, the perfect place to reconnect with yourself.

You can stay in a safari tent (each with its own private bathroom nearby), one of the three cottages, or the tiny house. These accommodations can be rented individually or shared between two people, depending on availability. You can also bring your own tent or camper van or participate without accommodation.

Silent Retreat Programm

This silent retreat aims for you to embrace the silence and look inside. To understand and realize how you embody the continuation of Thây, not by conforming to an image or external expectations (such as "I should do this" or "this or that is expected of me"), but in your own way, according to your skills and affinities, and in alignment with what is important and crucial for you to preserve and transmit as a unique and precious element of the Plum Village Sangha.

The retreat will be guided in English and French.

The program consists of:

  • Each morning, we will start with sitting meditation and free exercise
  • A walking meditation
  • Short teachings/testimonials
  • Silent meals
  • Dharma sharing
  • Free time for reflection
  • Stargazing around the campfire




Date, Place and Prices

Silent Retreat from September 3 to 8, 2024 at Simply Canvas Farm in Saint Jean de Duras

Arrival Day: September 3 from 4:00 PM.

Departure Day: After lunch on September 8 around 2:30 PM.

Accommodation Options and Prices:

  • Bring your own tent or camper van: €375 per person (shared bathroom)
  • Shared safari tent for 2 people: €450 per person (shared bathroom with 2 or 3 people)
  • Single room in a cottage: €525 per person (each cottage has 2 rooms, so you share the house and bathroom with 1 or 2 other people)
  • Double room in a cottage: €450 per person (each cottage has 2 rooms, so you share the house and bathroom with 1 or 2 other people)
  • For those not staying on-site: €275
  • Included in the price:

3 meals per day (starting with dinner on the arrival day and ending with breakfast on the departure day)

Additional nights: €70 per person or €100 for a couple, including breakfast


Click here to register.

Join us for this enriching silent retreat, where you can deepen your understanding of yourself and your connection to Thay. It is a valuable opportunity to cultivate inner peace and mental clarity.

We look forward to warmly welcoming you to this silent retreat.


We understand that unforeseen circumstances may require you to cancel your stay. Below are our cancellation policies:

  • For cancellations at least 8 weeks before arrival: Cancellation fee of €50
  • For cancellations between 4 to 8 weeks before arrival: Cancellation fee of €150
  • For cancellations less than 4 weeks before arrival: Cancellation fee of 100% of the total amount
  • If we are fully booked and find someone to replace you: Cancellation fee of €50
  • Cancellation requests must be made by email. We advise you to take out cancellation insurance.
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